This blog is for you. I hope you find it useful. I update the blog frequently, give overviews of lessons, provide links and downloads and post info that may be helpful for your essays/exam or just entertaining. Homework details, deadlines and advice may also appear so check the blog regularly. To play or download podcasts from my evansmedia podcast site, scroll to the bottom of this page. S.E.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
"Weird Al" Yankovic Spy Hard
Link to trailer:
Clips from Spy Hard.
Monday, 11 August 2008

In the first lessons we will be looking at the key concepts of genre, conventions and audience. The genre of films we will be studying is disaster movies. You are required to study this genre of film by the examining body (the people who have created the course you are studying) which is the Welsh Board.
Disaster movies can be broken into sub-genres including natural disasters, monsters, viral, science fiction, documentary etc. It is important to be able to identify the main conventions (features) of a disaster film and to be able to compare and comment on the films you "read". The films we will be featuring in our studies will include:
Quatermass and the Pit
World Trade Centre
The Towering Inferno
Dantes' Peak
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
The Day after Tomorrow
28 Days Later
It is essential that you carry out independent research and "read" as many disaster movies as you can to expand your knowledge and understanding of this genre but also to enable you to comment in much more depth and gain the highest grades. I will shortly be listing useful websites to help you with your research. Be prepared for a quiz in October too!
Sunday, 10 August 2008

In your studies of disaster movies (films) you will "read" many visual metaphors (VMs). A number of important VMs appear in "War of the Worlds" (2005) and "Cloverfield" (2007) and involve paper floating down from the sky. What does this represent and where do you think this idea has come from: that falling paper paper represents destruction and mayhem?
In "Superman Returns" (2006) Superman prevents a large passenger plane from crashing into a baseball park. Again, what is the VM here and what is it representing? Why baseball?
The dates of these films are all very important in developing your answers. In the 1980s and 1990s with a few exceptions, disaster movies as a genre fell into decline. However, following a real disaster, this genre has found a new lease of life, a new connection with audiences around the world.
1. What event prompted the increase in disaster movie production?
2. What does this tell us about the attitudes of our present society?
3. What other VMs could you design and place in your own film to represent disaster/destruction and to tie it to the "real-life" disaster that affected the whole world?
Link to "War of the Worlds" trailer below
Always ask yourselves: how will using this shot/angle/sound affect my audience?
Check out this link excellent link at You Tube:
I look forward to seeing some of these techniques being used in your own work in September.

For more information of this fascinating director check out:
And Peter Falk pre "Columbo".
A review of "Husbands" can be found at:
The great man himself in action...
Films from home

Never mind Warner Bros. or MGM, 20th Century Fox and just forget United Artists and Universal. Film started closer to home in fact the north west boasts a proud fim tradition.
One of the earliest film studios was in Rusholme!
Check out Mancunian Films and Frank Randle at
Also look at two of my personal favourites: Mitchell and Kenyon and their film studio called Norden in Lancashire. More details at this site: